
Friday, November 12, 2010

Getting valuable feedback = good

So a new chapter unfolds in my journey to find a concept artist job. I have been working really hard for years honing my drawing skills and understanding light. However,lets get back to the feedback I received.

Last week I went for a career fair at my university. There was a big games studio that was there so I thought I should get all my work (including 3D)to show them. Trust me I wasn't expecting anything. When I finally spoke to their Lead artist I kinda got nervous and I did not speak anything bout concept art. I told him that I am an animation student and blah blah... right at this moment he stopped me... saying what do you actually want to do? What do you think is your strongest area? here it goes...

feedback time...

1) Only show your best works. Only pursue the thing you are most interested in. You can do a lot of things but u need to be really good in one area.

2) Again only show your best works... as the OK work kinda sticks with the employers.And that's not good :/

3) When applying for a concept art position do not show anime drawings... dont know why he said that but You Dont

4) There is a huge difference between a concept artist and an illustrator :/ (this was the best advice I ever received) Now I know what I need to create :) ... As a concept artist your portfolio should include concept sketches that are quick and can be rough but detailed enough to get to the point. When you show highly finished detailed sketches (which should also be a part of your portfolio) you show more of your illustrating skills and your technical abilities. So remember your portfolio can include detailed sketches but it must include speedpaints of characters and environments and thumbnail sketches don't hurt either :)

5) Again... do not ignore environments ... black and white quick and rough thumbnails.. quick sketches... remember ... Rough but detailed enough

6) Never give up :) keep trying you will get there :)

However the meeting wasn't disappointing at all. I also got positive reviews for my work... He told me that I have the skills no doubt about that... and he was impressed by my character sketches he suggested me to now make a few environments and get back :) .. hope this helps others who are interested in this field :D